2024.04.05RESEARCHDr. HATA Yuki’s research supported by the Lotte Foundation was featured in an advertisement in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper
2024.03.29RESEARCHThe 5th Sakeology Seminar in FY2023, “Integration of the pathophysiological studies on age-related brain diseases and Sakeology,” was held
2024.03.25RESEARCHThe article by Dr. MIYAMOTO Takuji et al. was published in “AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ” April 2024 (Vol.8 No.4)
2024.02.15RESEARCHThe master’s thesis presentation of the master’s program of Graduate School Sakeology Program was held
2024.01.22RESEARCHThe 4th Sakeology Seminar in FY2023, “Strategic utilization of terroir in Japanese sake industry,” was held
2024.01.17RESEARCHDr. HATA Yuki’s research article was published in TASC MONTHLY No.577
2023.12.18RESEARCHThe Economics Association Seminar “Japanese Saké – a Canadian Perspective” was held with Mr. Patrick ELLIS from Canada
2023.10.30RESEARCHThe research conference / the 3rd Sakeology Seminar in FY2023, “Guide to the research of Japanese sake culture: For expanding of the possibility of Sakeology,” was held
2023.10.24RESEARCHDr. OKAMOTO Keiichiro and Dr. KAKIHARA Yoshito’s research on Rice-koji was published in “Nutrients”
2023.10.06RESEARCHDr. MIYAMOTO Takuji gave a lecture at Academic Salon