Dr. HATA Yuki’s research article was published in TASC MONTHLY No.577

The research article of HATA Yuki, Ph.D., Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Sakeology Center, titled “Sake culture in stories of Edo,” was published in TASC MONTHLY (*) No.577 in January 2024.

Dr. Hata explains the rich story world with sake, such as Fukutoku-sannenshu, Mochi-sake Onaka-no-Yoidoshi, and Tuuzoku-santonshi, among the kibyoshi, illustrated storybooks with yellow covers published in Edo (present Tokyo) from the late 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century.

(*) TASC MONTHLY is the monthly magazine published by the Tobacco Academic Studies Center (TASC).
The website of the Tobacco Academic Studies Center is here. (The linked website is in Japanese.)