2019.05.28EVENTLecture at National Research Institute of Brewing
2019.03.09EVENTSeminar on Sakeology at Niigata Sake no Jin event 2019
2019.03.05TOPICSVisit to Education and Research Center for Fermentation Studies, Kagoshima University
2019.02.13EDUCATIONSakeology B course for FY2018 was launched
2019.01.28TOPICSEstablishment of a collaborative agreement with the University of Bordeaux and the Institute of Vine and Wine Science
2019.01.11EVENT“Introduction to Sakeology” open lecture at Niigata University, FY2018 second semester was held
2018.12.17EVENTWorkshop at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: “Experiencing Sakeology from Niigata University” was held
2018.08.03EVENTSakeology Symposium was held
2018.06.21EVENTParticipation in the Regional Promotion Seminar organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
2018.04.13EDUCATIONLaunch of a new course, Start of the Sakeology A course for FY2018