“Introduction to Japanese Alcoholic Beverages,” a collaborative lecture by the three centers on Japanese Alcoholic Beverages, was held at Kagoshima University

Based on the collaborative agreement on Japanese Alcoholic Beverages with Education and Research Center for Fermentation Studies, Kagoshima University and the Institute of Enology and Viticulture, University of Yamanashi (*1), a collaborative lecture “Introduction to Japanese Alcoholic Beverages” was held at Kagoshima University from February 14 to 15, 2024.

The lecture was a two-day intensive course for students of the Faculty of Agriculture at Kagoshima University, and HIRATA Dai, Ph.D. Vice Director of Sakeology Center, Niigata University gave a lecture on “Overview of the history, raw materials and production methods of Sake” and “About Sakeology.”

As a first initiative, this year’s lecture was offered in this format at Kagoshima University, and we plan to expand the scope and content of the lecture in the future.

HIRATA Dai, Vice Director of Sakeology Center


(*1) Related article:
Three Centers of Niigata University, University of Yamanashi, and Kagoshima University signed a Collaborative Agreement on alcoholic beverages