Vice Director KISHI Yasuyuki’s article on “Traditional knowledge and skills of sake-making with koji mold in Japan” as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage is published on the website “”

The article of KISHI Yasuyuki, Ph.D., Vice Director of Sakeology Center, titled “Traditional knowledge and skills of sake-making with koji mold in Japan” as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage: The challenge to attract the world’ is published on the website “”(*1)
Dr. Kishi writes about the future issues related to KOKUSHU (sake, shochu, awamori, mirin, etc.) in response to the addition of “Traditional knowledge and skills of sake-making with koji mold in Japan” to the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on December 5, 2024.

Please take a look from here.

(*1) “” is a website operated by Nippon Communications Foundation which provides information on Japan in seven official UN languages (English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian) and Japanese.
The official website of is here.

Related article:
“Traditional knowledge and skills of sake-making with koji mold in Japan” as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage