Dr. OHSUMI Yoshinori, Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine, visited the Sakeology Center

OHSUMI Yoshinori, Ph.D., the Nobel Prize laureate in Physiology or Medicine 2016, visited the Sakeology Center on August 29, 2024.
Dr. Ohsumi received an explanation of the history of the Center’s establishment and its activities related to Sakeology from HIRATA Dai, Ph.D., Vice Director of the Center, in the seminar room, and then viewed the exhibits of sake cups, vessels and bottles in the exhibition space.
Furthermore, he observed the sake mash moromi being experimented in the sake test-brewing laboratory, and saw the various instruments for sake analysis in the sake and food taste analysis laboratory.
His interest in our promotion of education and research that integrates the humanities and sciences, as well as our international exchange activities, was very much appreciated.


Dr. Ohsumi (right), looking at rice koji in the laboratory

With Drs. Ohsumi at the exhibition space