International and Japanese students learned about sake together at ASAHI-SHUZO SAKE BREWING CO., LTD.

On June 22, 2024, As an activity outside of class between “Intercultural Collaborative Learning A: Business Communication in a Globalized World (Niigata University G-code Course: 240G3257)” (*1) and “Intercultural Collaborative Learning A: Cross Cultural Understanding through the Collaborative Learning with International Students (Niigata University G-code Course: 240G3258)” (*2), 22 students, including international students (Faculty in charge: MENG Yun, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Education Center, Institute of Education and Student Affairs), learned about sake at ASAHI-SHUZO SAKE BREWING CO., LTD.

First, a representative of Asahi-Shuzo gave a lecture on sake brewing and product development. After that, students were divided into four groups and held a workshop to do a SWOT analysis and come up with ideas for the global expansion of sake based on the local sake market in four areas (East Asia, North America, Europe and Oceania) of the world. They actively exchanged opinions from an international perspective.
Then students experienced a sake brewery tour, visited the spring water called “Takara-mizu (treasure water)” and Asahi Shrine, and tasted sake. It was a valuable opportunity to experience the sake brewing sites.

This event was co-organized by ASAHI-SHUZO SAKE BREWING CO., LTD.; International Education Center, Institute of Education and Student Affairs, Niigata University; and Sakeology Center, Niigata University.


Lecture on sake


In front of Asahi Shrine


(*1) Japan’s workforce is shrinking, yet its companies are increasingly globalizing. This creates a demand for highly skilled international workers and necessitates world-class business communication skills among Japanese employees. The objective of this course is to meet these challenges by enhancing the business communication competencies of students through intercultural collaborative learning. This course aims to prepare students for part-time jobs, future job-hunting, and internships. Also, the course is offered at the 3rd period of Thursdays during the 1st and 2nd terms.

(*2) It is a course that students from Niigata University and partner institutions domestically and internationally engage in an in-depth exploration of global and environmental challenges, specifically focusing on Multicultural Symbiotic Societies. Utilizing PBL(Problem-Based/Project-Based Learning) methodologies, the course aims to find solutions to these challenges. Also, the course is offered at the 3rd period of Mondays during the 1st and 2nd terms.