Dr. HATA Yuki will give a lecture and participate in a talk session at Rice Expo Japan

HATA Yuki, Ph.D., Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Sakeology Center, will give a lecture and participate in a talk session at the Rice Expo Japan on February 5, 2022.

Date and time: Saturday, February 5, 10:00-11:45 a.m.
Holding Method: Online
Theme: “Introductory course to Sakeology for beginners”

(1) “Sake, rice, or mochi?: Japanese classical literature on rice”
  Lecturer: Dr. HATA Yuki, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Sakeology Center, Niigata University

(2) “Thinking about the natural environment through sake rice and the conservation of terraced rice paddies”
  Lecturer: Mr. ANZAWA, Asahi Noken Ltd.

(3) Talk session
   Mr. ANZAWA, Asahi Noken Ltd.
   Dr. HATA Yuki, Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Sakeology Center, Niigata University
   Mr. Kogaken, Oideyasukoga, Comedian
   Ms. ENDO Mari, BSN Radio Personality


The registration is here: The Rice Expo Japan website (in Japanese)